Veer Pahadia has recently made an entry in Bollywood with the film 'Sky Force'. Akshay Kumar was also seen in the film. In the meantime, Veer said in an interview that actress Jahanvi Kapoor has a very good bond. He also talked about Competition with Khushi Kapoor. News of the dating of Veer's younger brother Shikhar Pahadia and Jahanvi Kapoor has been coming up for a long time. Both are often seen together at parties and events.
Talking to News 18, Veer Pahadiya said, 'Jahanvi Kapoor and Khushi Kapoor are my first actor friends in this industry. Jahanvi and I share good bonds.
Regarding the competition with Khushi Kapoor, Veer said he did not see the new generation as a competition. He believes that he will learn a lot by working with different style and sound stars.
Talking about the film 'Sky Force', Veer said, I had not eaten anything for many days. I didn't even sleep. I don't know if you can see it on my face or not. But I'm very happy. I had been waiting for this for a long time. I gave my life and soul to the 'Sky Force'. This is a journey over 3 years.
According to Veer, he learned a lot during the film. Difficult times strengthened it. He says that not only to love his work is not enough, but that work should be successful, so that the creators who trust him also benefit.
The film 'Sky Force' was released on January 24 Akshay Kumar has played the role of Vijay Saxena in the film Sky Force. Veer mountaine Karan is seen in the role of Shergill. Sara Ali Khan is in the role of Veer's wife in the film while Nimrat Kaur is in the role of Akshay Kumar's wife. The film was released on January 24.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).