Gurucharan Singh of 'Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma' fame is facing many problems these days. Meanwhile, her friend Bhakti Soni revealed that she got a brand deal for Gurucharan, much to her relief and overjoyed. Recently, Gurucharan's health also deteriorated, due to which he was admitted to the hospital. Apart from this, he was also in debt.
In an interview, Bhakti Soni said, I have given a brand deal of ₹13 lakh for Gurucharan Singh. It has boosted his courage. Now he has also decided to break his fast. He will come to Mumbai by the end of the month and shoot for this deal.
Bhakti Soni said, “A friend of mine helped me make this deal. Our effort was to ensure that Gurucharan gets a good deal and returns to work as soon as possible.
Bhakti laments to Gurucharan for not getting help from others in his difficult times. He said, even before this I had helped Guru Charan to the tune of ₹ 33 lakhs. I do not understand that the man was in trouble, but no one came forward to help him.
Bhakti said that some people from the team of 'Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma' asked about Gurucharan's health, but no one asked for his financial help. Bhakti said, Gurucharan doesn't need money, but what he needs most is work.
Returned home 25 days after going missing It may be noted that Gurucharan Singh suddenly went missing in May last year. After missing him for several days, his father filed a missing complaint at the police station. The police also made all efforts to find him. After this he himself returned home after about 25 days. He said where he was for so many days.
Why did it disappear? On April 22, Gurucharan was scheduled to board a flight from Delhi to Mumbai, but instead of arriving in Mumbai, he disappeared somewhere. When questioned about this, the actor first apologized to the parents, media and fans and said, 'Due to my behavior, not only my parents, but also the fans suffered a lot. I did not expect that it would happen so much. It was said about mom and dad that if I have two other brothers and a sister, they will take care of it.'
'Life was not going well, I turned towards God' Gurucharan had said at that time that 'I don't know why I leaned more towards God after Corona. Besides, nothing good was happening in my life, everything was negative. I still owe myself till date. The commercial plot that Dadaji took is worth around 55 crores today. Others have occupied that plot. Shops have been built on that plot, one shop has been vacated, two shops have been ordered to vacate. We are talking to them. They are not harmed and we are also benefited. Since this property will be sold, it will be divided into six parts (mother-father, three brothers and one sister). I wanted my debt to be paid off from my share of the money.'
'Slept at railway-bus station' 'After disappearing from Delhi, he went to many places. Went to places like Amritsar, Ludhiana, Chandigarh, Shimla. He slept many nights at Ludhiana railway station. Also spent nights at Chandigarh railway station, bus stand. I was sleeping at the bus stand in Shimla. It has often happened that he would take a ticket and sleep in the general compartment of the train if it was empty. Wearing a mask and maybe my face won't be recognizable.'
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).