Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav will watch Bollywood film 'The Sabarmati Report' with his Cabinet colleagues and MLAs at Ashoka Lake View today (November 20) evening. Earlier in the morning, the Chief Minister spoke to the film's lead actor Vikrant Massey through a video call.
Meanwhile, Dr. Yadav congratulated Massey for his excellent performance. He said that we have made this film tax free in Madhya Pradesh as well. Today I myself am going to watch this movie with all my cabinet colleagues.
It may be noted that Dr. Yadav is currently on a tour of Gujarat. He will hold a cabinet meeting today after returning to Bhopal from Ahmedabad. After this, will go to watch the movie 'The Sabarmati Report' at seven in the evening.
Thanks for making the film tax free Meanwhile, Vikrant thanked the Chief Minister for making the film tax free. CM Yadav said that he is currently in Ahmedabad and is going to meet Gujarat government ministers and officials on joint issues of both the states. After this, he will go to Bhopal and watch the film with his cabinet colleagues.
Vikrant thanked the Chief Minister for making the film tax free
CM said to Vikrant – you too come to MP CM Yadav told Vikrant Massey that you also come to MP. We are giving various kinds of discounts to promote film shooting. About this, actor Vikrant said that 'I have done four films in MP. One of the films was Prakash Jhani. For the shooting of which he came to Bhopal. Sihore came for shooting last month, but could not meet you. Next year (2025) I will come back to MP to shoot some films.'
CM Dr. Mohan Yadav said that-
This film has brought the truth in front of everyone. The film has exposed the lies spread about the Sabarmati incident.
The film 'The Sabarmati Report' is tax free in MP Chief Minister Dr Mohan Yadav on Tuesday praised the film 'The Sabarmati Report' and declared it tax free. CM said that Sabarmati movie is well made. We are also going to make this film tax free so that more and more people can watch the film.
CM said- There is a dark chapter in the past which is shown through the film. After seeing this picture, milk has become milk and water has become water. Politics has its place, but playing such a dirty game for the sake of vote politics was a bad thing.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi who was the Chief Minister at that time skillfully saved the honor of Gujarat and the country during this incident. So after this truth comes, milk must be milk and water must be water.
Minister Sarang said – tomorrow the film will be shown to the workers Cabinet Minister Vishwas Sarang said that 'Sabarmati Report' is a film which has made the Godhra incident into milk and water. Congress has always maligned Narendra Modi and Amit Shah. Rather it can be said that an attempt has been made to defame the majority society. Society should see the way reality is presented.
The Chief Minister has decided to show the film to the ministers. We have also decided that tomorrow (Thursday) we will have a big screening of the film for the workers and public in the area. It is only through such films that the true facts of history come to the fore. Sarang said that Congress has always distorted history.
PM Modi has also praised the film Earlier, Prime Minister Narendra Modi praised the film on Sunday. While reposting a user's post on The Sabarmati Report on X, he wrote –
It is good that the truth is coming out, that too in a way that common people can see it. A false belief may last for a while, though the facts eventually come out.
The film has been released on November 15 The film 'The Sabarmati Report' stars Vikrant Massey, Rashi Khanna and Riddhi Dogra in lead roles. The film is directed by Dheeraj Sarna and stars Shobha Kapoor, Ekta Kapoor, Amul V. Produced by Mohan and Anshul Mohan. The film was released on November 15, 2024. After doing the film, actor Vikrant Massey said that he was receiving threats.
The movie 'The Sabarmati Report' has been released in theaters on November 15
The film is based on the 2002 Godhra incident. The film 'The Sabarmati Report' is based on the 2002 Godhra incident. The film boldly tries to reveal the truth of what happened on the morning of February 27, 2002 in the Sabarmati Express near Godhra railway station. It reflects not only the history but also the social and political context of the time.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).