Chunky Pandey recently spoke about his film career. He said that when he made his debut in Bollywood, he achieved success very quickly. However, before the first film was released, there were many rejections. But when stars like Aamir Khan, Salman Khan, Govinda and Ajay Devgn came along, it got lost somewhere.
In an interview with Screen, Chunky Pandey recalled his early days. Chunky said that he faced a lot of rejection in the beginning of his career. This also included several TV and film auditions, which were not successful.
Chunky Pandey said, 'I remember, I went to the office of a famous film director who makes romantic films. I went straight to his office after working out. I was wearing a tank top that time. Seeing me he said I am not making any Tarzan, you can go to B Subhash's office. Somehow I was kicked out of the office several times. But after three years of hard work, I got my first film in the toilet of a five star hotel.
Chunky said about making his mark in the 1990s, 'I came when the stars were at their peak. Govinda came in 1986, I came in 1987. Aamir came the next year, Salman in 1989 and Ajay in 1990. I was really lost as soon as these stars entered. I spent a year happily. The whole year of 1988 was very good for me and then gradually my career graph went down.
Chunky continued, 'My career graph went down, I blame myself for this, because at that time I wanted to earn money, so I took any kind of work. Due to this you cannot handle your career properly. Chunky Pandey will soon be seen opposite Anupam Kher in the film 'Vijay 69', which is releasing on OTT on November 8. Apart from this, Chunky will also be seen playing a comic role in the comedy film Housefull 5.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).