The trailer for Bowman Irani's film 'The Mehta Boys' has been released. An emotional touch between father and son will be seen. Bowman Irani has also debuted as director. The trailer talks about a family conflict with the issue of the true feelings of the father and son.
The brilliant story of Gujarati father and son The combination of mild-flowing moments and emotional touch makes this story special. It is clear that the role of a Gujarati father is shown from a dialogue in the trailer. Author, actor, director and producer Bowman Irani said, “For me, 'The Mehta Boys' is a very personal trip. The relationship between father and son is one of the most complex and emotional relationships.
'Test of bondage between two people' In addition, he said- Through this film, I wanted to show how a test between two people could be caused by time, misunderstandings and unresolved issues. This is a story that has been with me for years, and I am very excited to share it with viewers from India and around the world on Prime video. I am very grateful to the whole artists who played their characters with such a depth and reality, making every sense of the story worthwhile.
The character of a son trapped between family loyalty and personal dissatisfaction Avinash Tiwari, who played the role of Bowman Irani's son Amy in the film, said, 'Amy's character is full of complications, which is trapped between family loyalty and personal dissatisfaction. Some circumstances take him into a deep and transformative confrontation with his father, which changes his point of view. Prisoning this trip was both challenging and satisfying for me. I am proud to be part of a film that represents the subjects of family bondage and settlement in such an emotional way.
When will the film be released? Shreya Chowdhury, who played Zara, said, “My character as Amy's girlfriend Zara is a strong and independent woman with a different thinking. She helps Amy facing problems with her father. It plays a key role in encouraging girls. The film on February 7. And is about to release on Prime video all over the world.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).