Sana Khan of 'Bigg Boss' fame has become a mother once again. She has given birth to a son. Sana has shared this news through social media. Sana Khan and her husband Mufti Anas Saeed are already parents to a son. Sharing a video on her Instagram, Sana Khan captioned it, 'Allah Tala has written everything in luck. When the time comes, the bag fills with happiness.
Apart from this, Sana has also uploaded a video on her YouTube channel, in which her husband Mufti Anas Saeed is seen holding their son on his lap.
Sana's friends and fans are commenting heavily on her post and congratulating her.
Sana recently announced her second pregnancy. Sana Khan announced her second pregnancy by sharing a video on her Instagram a month ago. He captioned it – 'Alhamdulillah, Ya Allah, give me a good baby. Of course you are the one who will hear the prayer.
Sana got married in 2020 Sana announced to quit the film industry in October 2020. After this, she married Islamic scholar Mufti Anas Saeed on 21 November 2020 in Surat. In 2023, Sana welcomed her first child Syed Tariq Jameel.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).