Amitabh Bachchan took only one rupee fee from Yash Chopra for the film 'Mohabbatein'. Filmmaker Nikhil Advani revealed that the actor had taken Rs. Nikhil did a lot of work with Yashraj Films in the early stages of his career. Recently, Nikhil said that Amitabh demanded more fees from Yash Chopra for a film because he had to buy a house and Yash Chopra agreed to give him more money. So in the second film, he took a fee of one rupee only from Yash Chopra.
First there was simplicity in the industry – Nikhil
Filmmaker Nikhil Advani spoke to Radio Mirchi and shared an incident related to Amitabh Bachchan from the film 'Mohabbatein'. Meanwhile, when he was asked about the difference between the present age and the olden days, he said that the earlier people had simplicity. At that time, films were made on the importance of relationships. The industry had a family atmosphere. But now everything has changed. Nowadays everything is pre-decided and films are made later.
Amitabh Bachchan in Mohabbatein
Nikhil narrated the incident related to Amitabh and Yash Nikhil Advani tried to explain the situation by sharing an anecdote related to Amitabh Bachchan and Yash Chopra. He said, when Yash Chopra was making the film 'Silsila', he asked Amit ji, how much fee do you want? So Amitji said I want to buy a house, then I want more fees. So Yashji agreed.
Filmmaker Nikhil Advani
Amitabh took one rupee as fee – Nikhil
Nikhil Advani further said that, during the movie 'Mohabbatein' when Yashji asked Amitji how much fee will you take? Amitji then said that when I wanted to buy a house, I asked you for more fees, and you paid the amount I asked for. So this time I will do the film for one rupee only.
In the year 2000, Amitabh made a comeback with the film Mohabbatein.
Amitabh made a comeback with 'Mohabbatein'
Amitabh Bachchan's film 'Silsila' was released in the year 1981. At that time the actor was at the peak of his career. But his career slowed down in the 1990s. After which Amitabh went to Yash Chopra's house and asked him for work. After which Amitabh made a comeback in the year 2000 with the film 'Mohabbatein'.
He started his career with the film 'Sat Hindustani'
Amitabh Bachchan's Workfront
Amitabh Bachchan started his career with the film 'Sat Hindustani'. This film was released in the year 1969. Amitabh Bachchan was recently seen in the film 'Kalki 2898 AD'.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).