Comedian Bharti Singh's husband and writer Harsh Limbachia recently spoke about Sanjay Leela Bhansali in an interview. He said that when he went to work as an assistant on Bhansali's sets, he heard Bhansali scolding another assistant. Due to which he got very scared and immediately ran away from the set.
In fact, on Bharti TV's YouTube channel, Harsh Limbachia said, 'Many years ago I met Sanjay Leela Bhansali. I narrated a funny comedy script to him. I don't know why, but he laughed out loud. He told me 'Harsh, I can't produce it, but it's very good. You should come to me and help me, I see something special in you.'
Harsh said that at that time he was new to the industry and was very happy to hear his praise from Bhansali. He said, 'I quit whatever I was doing on TV. At that time I was doing 'Comedy Circus' and then reached the sets of 'Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram-Leela'.
Harsh said, 'I saw Bhansali's sets for the first time. He had 12-13 assistants. But in the meantime I saw him scolding an assistant on the set, which scared me a lot. I saw that he was abusing someone and I ran away immediately. After this I got a call from the person who referred me to Bhansali. Because I ran away from the set, now they scolded the guy.'
Harsh-Bharti got married in 2017 Bharti married writer Harsh Limbachia in 2017. She is 7 years older than Harsh. After dating for almost 7 years, both chose each other as partners. Harsh wrote the dialogues of 'PM Narendra Modi Biopic'. Apart from this, he also wrote the title track of the film 'Malang'.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).