MP and actor Ravi Kishan's pain has spilled over while speaking in a podcast. Ravi Kishan said that in his childhood, 12 people in the house had to be driven with one plate khichdi. Plenty of water was added to the khichdi to fill everyone's stomach. According to Ravi Kishan, he did not have a fixed house, but a hut, in which all the family members lived. Ravi Kishan said that the sting of poverty is still in his heart.
Still reluctant to order food from expensive restaurants Ravi Kishan said in Shubhankar Mishra's podcast, 'We used to live in a hut. All the land was mortgaged. I have seen poverty that no one can imagine. Used to make some khichdi at home. The amount of water in it was increased so much that the stomach of all the 12 members of the house could be filled.'
'That poverty has affected me so much that even today I cannot spend money openly. Even today one has to think before eating an expensive meal. I also don't like putting my clothes in the laundry. I think I should wash it at home.'
According to Ravi Kishan, he does not shy away from spending money for his family. Whatever luxuries they want, they provide. They don't think it's right to spend money only for themselves.
Old picture of Ravi Kishan with father and mother
Worked for 15 years without adequate fees Ravi Kishan said that when he came to Mumbai, he lived on vada pav and tea all day. Ravi continued – I have faced a lot of harassment after coming to Mumbai. Worked for 15 years without adequate fees. Perhaps it is because of these challenges that I am sitting before you today.'
Why did Ravi Kishan take the surname Shukla? Ravi Kishan also talked about his surname in this interview. He explained why the surname Shukla was removed in the early days. He said – Shukla was not getting work because of surname. I needed money at that time. I haven't gone into much detail about what effect having or not having a surname would have.
Ravi Kishan has acted in approximately 750 films in his career. He is also a two-time MP from the Gorakhpur parliamentary seat in Uttar Pradesh. Her work in the film 'Lapata Ladies' released last year was highly appreciated.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).