Director and actor Anurag Kashyap has made many revelations recently. He has decided to leave Mumbai. The director said that he no longer has any thrill left in making Hindi films. He has also talked about reducing the risk factor in the film industry and making remakes.
The thrill of making a film has subsided – Anurag Anurag Kashyap said in a conversation with Hollywood Reporter India that he is not getting anything new to do. Due to which he has lost the enthusiasm to make films. He feels that the reason for this is the talent management agency of the actors as the talent management agency has started a new trend in which the actors have to focus more on becoming a star rather than acting.
No one can experiment in his films – Anurag Anurag said that nowadays I can't go out and do a new and different kind of film, I can't experiment in my films. Because now everything has come down to money. In which producers think only about profit and margin. Before the shooting of the film starts, everything is decided how the film will sell and how much profit will be made. So the fun of making a film is over.
I will shift south next year – Anurag The director further said – I will leave Mumbai and shift south next year. I want to go where everyone is excited to work. Otherwise I will have to live like an old man and die. I am very disgusted and disappointed with our Bollywood industry. I am also very upset with the way people in the industry think.
Only remakes are being made in Bollywood – Anurag Anurag has also talked about the mindset of the industry. He said- only remakes are being made in Bollywood. Film makers don't want to do anything new. I am so tired of this mentality. Agencies are brainwashing actors and luring them with glamor to make them stars and earn money. Instead of being sent to a workshop, they want to be sent to a gym.
Friends left me – Anurag Kashyap Anurag Kashyap said that even the actors he considered his friends in the industry have left him alone. 'Even my actors, whom I considered my friends, have left me because they wanted to be something else. This always happens in the Bollywood industry. This does not happen in Malayalam cinema.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).