Shah Rukh Khan's Chalate-Chalete was offered to Ameesha Patel before Rani Mukerji. However, Amisha's secretary did not tell her this. The secretary rejected the film offer citing Ameesha. Amisha regrets this even today. The actor recently revealed this in an interview.
Ameesha also met Shah Rukh In an interview given to YouTube channel BeautybyBiE, Amisha Patel said, 'In my profession, I missed some films. Some were very successful and some were flops. I didn't do Shahrukh Khan's 'Chalete-Chalete' because I didn't know it was offered to me. My secretary did not tell me that the offer for this film had come.
When the film was about to release and Shah Rukh was dubbing for it, he took me to the dubbing studio. Some edits were also shown. Shahrukh said – Come, let me show you the edit of the film, for which you refused.
Ameesha Patel made her acting debut with the film Kaho Na Pyar Hai. Hrithik Roshan was seen opposite him in this film. Directed by Rakesh Roshan, the film was a hit at the box office. After this, Ameesha got a lot of popularity with the movie 'Gadar'.
Ameesha took a break from films after working in some films. She then returned to films in 2023 with 'Gadar 2'. This film was also a hit. The film earned 686 crore rupees at the box office.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).