Actor Allu Arjun met Sritej, the child injured in the Sandhya Theater accident at KIMS Hospital in Begumpet, Hyderabad. The incident took place on December 4, 2024 during the premiere of the actor's film 'Pushpa 2: The Rule', resulting in a woman named Revathi losing her life and her son Sriteja still in critical condition 33 days later. Allu Arjun's visit comes amid ongoing legal proceedings against him.
Allu Arjun reached KIMS hospital
Allu Arjun expressed concern Allu Arjun expressed concern for the child victim, who was on ventilator for several weeks after the incident. There were signs of improvement by December 24, when Sriteja was unresponsive for 20 days but then responded for the first time. Sritej's father Bhaskar thanked Allu Arjun for his support, saying the child has responded after 20 days. He is responding today. Allu Arjun and Telangana government are supporting us.
20 days ago the actor posted for the child Allu shared a post on December 15, in which she expressed her concern about the child. Allu wrote – I am concerned about Mr. Tej's condition and am also thinking about him. However, he is under the care of doctors and undergoing treatment, but what happened should not have happened.
I am currently facing legal issues. Hence, I have been asked to avoid meeting the child and his family. My prayers are with the family. My sport will always be in the treatment of the child and the family. I will not back down whatever the cost or whatever the need may be. I hope the child recovers and returns home soon. I wish to meet the child and his family soon.
Allu Arjun out on conditional bail Apart from meeting Sriteja, Allu Arjun is also fulfilling his legal obligations. On January 5, 2025, Allu Arjun went to the Chikkadapally police station as part of the bail process and complied with the conditions set by the Nampally court. The actor was granted conditional bail after the incident, but the court imposed certain conditions including being present at the police station.
Allu Arjun arrived late to meet fans According to media reports, Allu Arjun did not arrive on time during the screening, due to which the crowd of fans continued to increase. When Allu arrived at the theater in the evening at the end of the program, fans went wild to see her. According to reports, the number of security and police personnel deployed at the site was not sufficient.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).