The incident of theft at the house of famous Bollywood actress Poonam Dhillon has come to light. A man has been arrested for stealing a diamond necklace worth around ₹1 lakh, ₹35,000 in cash and some US dollars. The arrest took place on January 6 and the accused has been identified as 37-year-old Sameer Ansari.
Had a party with stolen money The actress mainly lives in Juhu, while her son Anmol lives at Khar's house and Dhillon sometimes comes to stay at Khar's house as well. Police investigation has revealed that the accused Ansari was working at the actress' house between December 28 and January 5 to paint the flat. In the meantime, he saw an open closet, took advantage of the opportunity and turned his hand. The accused stole some money and spent it in the party.
The actress has worked in more than 80 films Poonam Dhillon has created a distinct identity for herself with her acting in Bollywood. He has worked in many big films of the Hindi world. He has acted in more than 80 films. Poonam Dhillon started her career in 1977 and became one of the popular actresses in the 1980s. Poonam Dhillon started her career with the film 'Trishul' (1978).
Apart from this, Poonam Dhillon has starred in 'Dard' (1981), 'Yeh Vada Raha' (1982), 'Soni Mahiwal' (1984), 'Teri Mehrabaniyan' (1985), 'Naam' (1986), 'Sone Pe Suhaga' (1986). ), 'Himmat Aur Hardash' (1987), 'Pathtar Ke Insaan' (1990), Has acted in films like 'Hisab Khoon Ka' (1989), 'Shiv Ka Insaf' (1985), 'Ramaiya Vastavaiya' (2013).
The actress is also active in politics After this, she was also very active in social service and politics. After being active in films for a long time, there came a time when he stopped working in films. Apart from films, Poonam Dhillon has also worked in TV shows and stage. She also participated in reality shows like Bigg Boss and appeared as a guest in many other programs.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).