Friday, September 20, 2024

Category: Life Style

New virus spreading after monkeypox: This is like dengue, more than 8000 cases in America, know the symptoms and treatment

These days there is fear of two types of virus in the world. One is the monkeypox virus, newly named mpox and the other is the oropox virus. It is also...

A good morning has a good day: Don't look at your mobile as soon as you open your eyes, start the day with a...

If you are asked how your day starts, everyone will have a different answer. As some people would say they prefer to take a nap with the alarm off; One's eyes...

Are you starting to forget small things?: How to improve memory, Healthy lifestyle is important, 10 special tips from a psychologist

Do you forget your watch, wallet, handkerchief etc at home while going to office? Or you are forgetting some or the other things every day. Like whether or not you turned...

Kaun apna hai tera kaun paraya…..: According to science, 'psychological first aid' helps relieve stress and sadness; But to share the pain, understanding of...

You must have heard this saying, 'Sharing eases the pain'. This is indeed true, but can everyone share themselves with others? Perhaps there are very few of us who can share...

'Grounding' i.e. walking barefoot in mud beneficial?: Debate between Sridhar Vembu and Liver Doc, find out what the science says

Known as 'The Liver Doc' on social media platform X, Dr. Abby Phillips is frequently in the news. He is known for presenting scientifically reasoned arguments against misconceptions associated with healthcare....

Will men completely disappear from the earth?: The Y chromosome essential for male sex is headed for extinction, says study

Imagine a world where there are only women. A world of their own making, where they will rule and have their own principles. There will be no man in that world....

Why do we vent our anger on others?: These 5 Reasons Increase Irritability, Know 10 Tips to Control Anger

Getting angry at every little thing, getting irritated when things don't go your way, getting angry or yelling when no one listens, does this happen to you too? If yes then...

It is not good for children to be too obedient: social anxiety is the reason behind this somewhere, isn't it?; Learn how to overcome...

A new type of problem is emerging in children growing up in nuclear families. They don't want to mix with people. They are not even introduced to many people except their...

Former English cricketer commits suicide due to clinical depression: Robin Uthappa also shares, know what this pain is and its symptoms, how to prevent...

Former England cricketer Graham Thorpe died on August 5 at the age of 55. Now there is a big revelation about his death. His wife has stated that Graham was suicidal,...

Be Better in Your Own Eyes Than the World: A Positive Self Image Will Improve Relationships and Careers, Self Love 10 Tips

Everyone wants to be successful. But success is achieved only by some people. The rest wait for success all their lives. What is the biggest difference between success and failure? What...

80% of pregnant women suffer from 'pregnancy brain': forget things, lack concentration, how to take care of your mental health?

Being a mother is the most beautiful feeling in the world. As beautiful as it is, it is also full of difficulties. Women are blessed by nature to become mothers, but...

Polio-free India finds case after 10 years: What is vaccine-derived infection, know polio symptoms and treatment

The date was March 27, 2014. It was a big day for India. On this day, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared India polio free. This was the date on which...

What to do when you feel discouraged?: Cultivate resilience within yourself, learn 6 benefits of resilience and 6 tips from an expert

No matter how many difficulties come our way in life and discourage us, we should never give up. Many times when we face difficulties, we get discouraged, lose courage and give...

Applying kajal inside the eyes is dangerous: the cornea can be damaged, know the correct way to apply kajal

This is the story of a woman who is suffering from stye. It is an eye disease in which a pimple or fodder-like appearance appears on the edge of the eyelid...

The human body does not make vitamin B-12: but we cannot live without it, it is as essential as breathing

Do you know something that is very rare? It is very difficult to find it in nature. But if it wasn't there, we wouldn't have mobile phones, laptops or anything battery...
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