Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the 38th National Games at Rajiv Gandhi Stadium in Dehradun on Tuesday. On this occasion, 2025 students of the school blew the conch. PM Modi said at the ceremony, 'We have given priority to sports development. The sports budget has been threefold. The players of the country call me not PM, but the Prime Minister but the Best Friend. '
'National Games are starting with the worship of Baba Kedar. Young people from every corner of the country will showcase their skills in these games. Here I see a picture of an India, the best India. This time the National Games are also the Green Games of Unity. Environmentally friendly items are being used in this. '
The Indian badminton player came here with the target San torch. Players from all states participated in the state parade. Uttarakhand Governor Lieutenant General Gurmeet Singh (retired), CM Pushkar Singh Dhami and IOA President PT Usha were present at the ceremony. Playback singer Jubin Nautial performed in front of 25,000 spectators.
PM Narendra Modi sat in the car with CM Dhami and greeted the audience around the field.
PM Modi's main stories …
- Devbhumi has become more divine today. National Games are starting with the worship of Baba Kedar. This is the 25th year of Uttarakhand. Young people from every corner of the country will showcase their skills in these games.
- Here is a picture of an India, the best India. This time the National Games are also the Green Games of Unity. Environmentally friendly items are being used in this.
- Young people from all corners of the country will show their ability. This time many traditional games have been included in the National Games. It is also called the Green Game. I wish all players a good performance.
- Today several tournaments are organized throughout the year. Many youths have the opportunity to move on through the Khel India Youth Games. Now a few days ago, the fifth edition of the Khelo India Winter Games was organized.
- Just a few days ago, our Kho-Kho team won the World Cup. Gukesh has become the youngest world champion in Chess. India is making full efforts to host the 2036 Olympics.
PM Narendra Modi, CM Pushkar Singh Dhoni during the opening serum.
A glimpse of cultural presentations
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).