Devolina Bhattacharji has recently announced the name of her baby boy. The actress has shared some pictures on social media, in which she has called her son's name. Fans are commenting on Devolina's post and congratulating her. Indeed, Devolina welcomed her first child on December 18, 2024.
Devolina Bhattacharji has shared two pictures on her Instagram. In these pictures, the actress has put her son in the hollow, but in the meantime he hides his son's face. In the caption of these pictures, Devolina wrote, “Our heart has been welcomed by welcoming a new member of our family. Meet 'Joy', a store of our happiness. '
Comments of fans Along with Devolina's friends, many fans are making strong comments on this post. One wrote, 'Blace You Joy', the other wrote, 'When will you show the baby's face?', Third wrote, 'Many congratulations for a new life', many other other people have congratulated the actress.
Married to Jim Trainer in 2022 Devolina Bhattacharji married her gym trainer Shahnawaz Sheikh in 2022. Sharing a photo with her husband Shahnawaz, she wrote, “Yes, now I can proudly say that I am married. Even if I had searched for a lamp, no one would have been found like you. You are the answer to my prayer. I love you so much. Love you all very much. Remember us in your links. '
Devolina-Shahnawaz got married after dating for two years According to media reports, Devolina and Shahnawaz met the gym. The two dated each other for almost two years.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).