Filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma's troubles keep increasing. On Tuesday, Mumbai's Andheri Magistrate Court sentenced him to three months in jail in the 7-year-old check bounce case. This case was going on for the last seven years. However, Ram Gopal Verma was not present in the court during the hearing. He has also recently announced his new film 'Syndicate'.
According to India Today, the court said, 'The accused was absent during the hearing of this case, due to which a non-bailable warrant has been ordered to be issued against him. Also, Ram Gopal Verma has to pay compensation of 3 lakh 72 thousand 219 rupees to the complainant in three months. If he fails to do so, he will have to serve a further three months in jail. The offense under which Ram Gopal Verma has been convicted falls under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act.
Know what is the whole matter In 2018, a company named Shree filed a case against Ram Gopal Verma by Mahesh Chandra Mishra. The matter relates to the director's firm company. In this case, in June 2022, Verma was granted bail by the court on PR and cash security of Rs 5,000/-. Apart from this, Ram Gopal Varma also had to sell his office due to financial crisis during Kovid-19.
Varma announced the new film Ram Gopal Varma has recently announced his new film 'Syndicate'. He himself gave this information through social media platform X.
Ram Gopal Varma Films Ram Gopal Varma is known for successful films like Satya, Rangeela, Sarkar and Company.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).