Police in Uttar Pradesh's Pratapgarh have busted a gang that was duping people through fake car sale ads on Facebook. For this, the gang created several Facebook IDs. This gang has cheated people across the country of crores of rupees in the name of selling old cars.
You must have seen many such advertisements on social media, offering huge discounts or attractive gifts. After ordering, they deliver the wrong product or deliver a poor quality product. One needs to be alert and wary of such fake ads.
So, today we Work newsLet's talk about how to identify these fake ads photos on social media. You will also learn that-
- How do fraudsters trick people with fake ads?
- What should be considered while buying a used bike or car?
Expert: Pawan Duggal, Cyber Expert, New Delhi
Q- What is Social Media Advertising?
Answer- In today's era, social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter have millions of users. This is the reason why it has become a big online market. From big companies to small startups, everyone uses these social media platforms to promote their brands or sell their products. You can advertise products by creating posters, banners or videos on social media. It costs nothing.
However, to make the product reach as many people as possible, you can also take the help of an advertising company or a marketing agency. You have to spend money for this.
Q- How do fraudsters prey on people through social media ads?
Answer- Creating a page or profile on social media apps like Facebook, Instagram is easy. This is the reason why fraudsters create fake pages or profiles in the first place. After this, advertisements are released with attractive offers to sell the product at cheap prices or at heavy discounts.
These ads can be for clothes, beauty products, electric gadgets, old bikes or cars. When someone contacts the number given on these ads, the fraudsters transfer advance money in the name of booking. After this they don't deliver. This is how people fall prey to this scam.
Q- How can we identify fake ads on social media?
Answer- The incidence of fraud through social media ads is on the rise. Therefore, it is important to recognize whether an online ad is genuine or fake. Scammers often create fake pages with the aim of extorting money or stealing personal information. So, before buying anything from a social media page, check its credibility. Fake social media ads are easy to spot. Understand it from the graphic below-
Question- What should be considered while buying a used car or bike?
Answer- Everyone prefers to travel by bike or car to make the journey convenient. However, not everyone can afford to buy a new vehicle. In such a situation people turn to old bikes or cars, but many times they fall prey to fraud by buying old cars in haste. So, before buying a car, check its important papers like Registration Certificate (RC), Insurance. Verify vehicle owner name, engine number and other details by visiting the mParivahan app. Do not buy a vehicle if it does not have valid papers.
Q- How to protect yourself from misleading ads of social media apps?
Answer- Misleading ads on social media mislead people by giving false information about a product or service. So, before buying any new or old item online, check the credibility of that page or website. Don't make hasty decisions by being lured by offers or discounts. Apart from this, some other tips can protect you from misleading advertisements on the internet. Understand it from the following graphic-
Q- Where can consumers complain about fake ads on social media?
Answer- In India, consumers are given several rights under the Consumer Protection Act, 2019. According to him, if an item is defective, the customer has every right to replace it. Apart from this he has the right to get the product money back.
If a company violates these rules, a complaint can be filed against it. For this, you can register your complaint online by visiting the National Consumer Helpline Portal (https://consumerhelpline.gov.in/public/). Apart from this, you can also register your complaint on the mobile app of National Consumer Helpline.
Also, the Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA) can impose a fine of up to Rs 10 lakh on manufacturers, advertisers and brand ambassadors for any misleading advertisement. Also, the authority can impose a 1-year ban on brand ambassadors for misleading advertising.
Question- What is the right way to buy a used bike or car?
Answer- If you want to buy a used bike or car, it is important to follow the right procedure so that you can avoid being scammed. Keep a few things in mind for this. such as-
- If you are buying a bike or car by looking at social media ads, check with the vehicle dealer.
- Always buy a second hand bike or car from a verified dealer.
- If you are buying a bike or car offline, always buy from someone you know.
- Check the condition of the vehicle yourself before buying.
- Test drive the vehicle and check its performance
- Check documents like Registration Certificate (RC), Pollution Certificate, Insurance, Road Tax and Penalties.
- Keep all documents and payment receipts safe even after buying a second hand bike or car.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).