Xiaomi has launched its new device Xiaomi Pad 7 in the Indian market. The tablet was launched with premium build quality and powerful features. New accessories include a special nano-textured glass display variant with the Xiaomi Focus Keyboard and Xiaomi Focus Pen. The device is powered by a mid-range processor and the device runs on HyperOS 2 based on Android 15. Stylus support is also available in this. However, you have to buy the stylus separately. It also provides some AI related features.
What is the price? The company has launched the Xiaomi Pad 7 in three color options – Graphite Grey, Mirage Purple and Sage Green. Its 8GB RAM + 128GB storage variant is priced at Rs 27,999. Its 12GB RAM + 256GB storage variant is priced at Rs 30,999. The variant with 12 GB RAM and textured finish is priced at Rs 32,999. You can buy from Xiaomi official website and offline stores. Its sale will start from today i.e. January 13. On ICICI Bank card, you will also get a discount of Rs 1000.
Specification The Xiaomi Pad 7 has an 11.2-inch LCD screen, which supports a 144Hz refresh rate. The peak brightness of the screen is 800 Nits. The screen comes with Dolby Vision and HDR10 support. This tablet works on Qualcomm Snapdragon 7+ Gen 3 processor. It has 12GB RAM and 256GB storage.
The device runs on Hyper Os 2 based on Android 15. It has a 13MP rear camera and an 8MP front camera. Quad mic and quad speaker setups are available in the Pad 7. To power the device, an 8850mAh battery is provided, which comes with 45W charging support. The tablet comes with a Type-C charging port.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).