On the occasion of New Year, Bollywood star couple Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt went to Thailand with their family. Meanwhile his daughter Raha was also with him. Alia has posted some pictures of her family vacation on social media.
You must have seen that most of the time celebrities take their children on vacations. Spend time with them.
According to a study published in the academic journal 'Science Direct', family vacations are very beneficial for both parents and children. It keeps the physical and mental health of children healthy. Children get a chance to explore new places, which makes their learning ability develop faster. Therefore, children should not be confined to home or school.
So, today relationship In this column we will talk about the importance of family vacations. You will also learn that-
- How is a family vacation beneficial for children?
- How does this affect relationships?
Getting kids to explore new places Outdoor travel is as important as education for children. This gives them an opportunity to get away from their routine, learn something new and spend quality time with their family. British child psychologist Dr. Margot Sunderland has written many books on children. In these books, he described travel as very important for children's personal, professional and social development.
Family vacations are beneficial for children in many ways Vacation plays an important part in life. We all have our best childhood memories during the holidays. So, instead of giving kids a new toy or video game over the holidays, take them on a family vacation. This boosts their physical, mental and emotional development. They get a break from studies for some time.
For the children in the graphic below Family vacationUnderstand some of the benefits of-
Let us now talk about the above points in detail.
Children get a chance to see the outside world Children get bored with their routine and studies. In such a situation, through vacation, they get to experience the beautiful world outside their home. Apart from this they are familiar with different cultures.
Vacations reduce children's stress Things like school work, homework or social pressure can cause stress in children. In such a situation, they feel refreshed with a family vacation. It makes them feel relaxed and also increases their learning ability.
Relationship with family will be strengthened Spending holidays with family not only makes children happy, but also strengthens their family bond. When parents spend time with their children, they can better understand their likes, dislikes, habits and thoughts.
Get a chance to learn something new Apart from having fun, children also learn many new things during family vacations. Vacations give children an opportunity to understand different cultures, languages and traditions. When children visit historic sites and museums, they learn about history, art, and society. Apart from this, children get a chance to understand nature closely during vacations.
Social skills are developed Children meet new people during vacation. This improves their social skills. During vacation, children get a better opportunity to express their feelings, thoughts and needs. It also strengthens their communication skills.
Ability to face challenges develops A family vacation is a great opportunity for children to face challenges and solve problems. The experiences that children have during the journey they remember for life. This boosts children's confidence and makes them ready to face whatever challenges life throws their way.
Family vacations are also beneficial for parents It's not that family vacations are only beneficial for children. This is equally important for parents. They take some time for themselves and family from the daily hustle and bustle. This makes their relationship stronger. How is family travel beneficial for parents? Understand this from the graphic below-
The positive impact of family vacations on relationships In this fast paced world, everyone is worried about lack of time. Elders do not have free time from office or home work. While children are busy in their studies or in the digital world. In such a situation, a vacation is a good option to bring everyone together.
It bridges the gap of lack of communication and distance between children and parents. This is a great way to bond between relationships and connect emotionally. There is no doubt that family trips strengthen relationships as during this time all the members get a chance to move freely and eat and drink together. It brings sweetness in their relationship.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).