Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma and Indian cricketer Virat Kohli are a much talked about couple. The couple reached Vrindavan on Friday, where they had darshan of Premananda Maharaj. Meanwhile, daughter Vamika and son Akay were also seen with her. His video is going viral on social media. In the viral video, Anushka and Virat can be seen taking the blessings of Shri Premanand Gobind Sharanji Maharaj. Not only that, both of them bowed first as soon as they came in front of Maharaj.
Virat and Anushka are seen taking the blessings of Sri Premanand Gobind Sharanji Maharaj
The couple was seen holding their two children Akay and Wamika on their laps
Anushka and Virat gave a dandavat to Premanand Maharaj
During the conversation, Anushka demanded love devotion from Premananda Maharaj. On this, Swamiji says that he is happy that even after reaching such heights in their respective careers, both are engrossed in devotion to God. Kohli like Premanand reached in front of Maharaj, he immediately asked, are you happy? To that Kohli nodded and said yes and was seen smiling. Virat Kohli's daughter Wamika and son Akay are also seen in this video. But the faces of both have been hidden, as the couple does not want to expose their children to the media.
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Also visited in 2023 Virat-Anushka visited Vrindavan in the year 2023 with their daughter Vamika. There he went to Swami Premananda Maharaj's ashram and had darshan of Radha Rani. Maharaj blessed him, gifting Radha Rani's garland and sash.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).