Wednesday, January 8, 2025
HomeHealthBack and neck pain has made your condition worse, try these two home remedies.

Back and neck pain has made your condition worse, try these two home remedies.

In the busy lifestyle and busy life, no one has time for their health. Due to continuous sitting for work, back and neck pain also increases. Sitting mostly causes back and neck pain. To get rid of this, you must try these Ayurvedic remedies.

People start having back and neck pain due to continuous 8-9 hours of sitting job in the office. Sitting for a long time causes many diseases to a person. Due to lack of body movement, body pain starts increasing. If you also keep working continuously sitting at the desk in your office, then be careful, otherwise diseases will surround you. You should not take medicines to avoid back pain and neck pain. You will have to do only these two Ayurvedic remedies.

Try this home remedy for back and neck pain

– To get rid of back pain and neck pain, you can take one teaspoon turmeric powder, coriander powder and fenugreek powder. Now you can add half teaspoon ginger powder, celery and quarter teaspoon garlic paste to it. Mix all this in water. You can drink this mixer 2 to 3 times a day. You will get relief from pain.

– Apart from this, you can drink ginger tea, this can provide relief from neck and back pain. First of all you boil ginger. Now add castor oil to it. With the help of this oil, it helps to lubricate your spine. This will give you relief from back and neck pain.

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Disclaimer: The suggestions in this article are for general information. Do not take these tips and information as advice from a doctor or medical professional. In case of symptoms of any disease, definitely consult a doctor.

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Image Credit: PravaSakshi Assets

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