Tuesday, December 24, 2024
HomeHealthIs tea really healthy for health? US FDA gives green signal

Is tea really healthy for health? US FDA gives green signal

Tea is drunk daily in every Indian household. You will find tea lovers everywhere. Let us tell you that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has given green signal to tea and called it healthy. Now FDA has approved tea as a healthy drink.

In most homes the morning starts with tea. Tea is consumed the most in India, but now the craze of drinking tea is being seen in foreign countries also. People drink tea with ginger, clove and cardamom, everyone has their own preference. But some people believe that drinking tea is harmful for health. Recently, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has given green signal to tea and declared it healthy.

Told tea as a healthy drink

In fact, the North Eastern Tea Association (NETA) and the Indian Tea Association (ITA) have declared tea made from Camellia sinensis as healthy by the US FDA. FDA has also issued an update regarding the nutrient content of tea. Tea has been recognized by the FDA as a healthy drink. So that people understand its misleading claim. At the same time, tea made from Camellia Sinensis has now come under the purview of healthy designation.

How many times can you drink tea in a day?

Health experts have said that if you drink tea in limited quantity then it can be very healthy for you. For this you can drink 300 mg or 150 ml cup of tea. Let us tell you that you can drink only one to two teas in a day. If you drink more tea than this then it is harmful for you.

See also  Karwa Chauth 2024: Start your day with Sargi on Karwa Chauth, follow these tips to keep yourself healthy.

Disclaimer: The suggestions in this article are for general information. Do not take these tips and information as advice from a doctor or medical professional. In case of symptoms of any disease, definitely consult a doctor.

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Image Credit: PravaSakshi Assets

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