King of Bollywood Shah Rukh Khan opened up about his acting career during the Dubai Global Summit. Shahrukh said that acting was not his goal. He dreamed of becoming a scientist. But after his father's death, he left his studies to become a scientist. He then studied commerce and mass communication. Meanwhile, he also talked about failure. Shahrukh said that when failure comes, he cries a lot in the bathroom.
Talking about his acting career, Shah Rukh Khan said- There was no planning to enter the world of acting. Many times I feel that what I have studied has nothing to do with being an actor. At that time television had arrived in India and I was getting 1,500 rupees, which was a lot of money for me at that time.
Explaining the era of television, Shah Rukh Khan said – One day I was going home on my scooter. Seeing me two women started shouting. Seeing their happiness, I told myself that this is what I have to do. I want to make people happy. That's why I became an actor.
Shahrukh Khan also talked about his superstar image. He said I work hard for my image. Shah Rukh Khan also spoke about his failure and criticism during the Dubai Global Summit. When the actor was asked if he ever criticizes his work?
Shahrukh said- I do, but I don't like to feel like this. I cry a lot in my bathroom, but I don't show it to anyone. You have to admit to yourself that there is a mistake in your film. Accept this and move on.
Talking about Shah Rukh Khan's work front, he will be seen in the film 'King' with daughter Suhana. Directed by Sujoy Ghosh, the film will release on Eid 2026.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).