The makers of the cooking based reality show 'MasterChef India' have decided to change the format of the show this time. All seasons so far have featured only celebrity chefs and home cooks. But this time, preparations are being made to include celebrities for the first time in season 9.
The impact of the popularity of 'Laughter Chef' According to sources, the popularity of 'Laughter Chef – Unlimited Entertainment' has prompted the makers of 'MasterChef India' to change their format. The makers hope that the entry of celebrities will add more entertainment to the show. This is also expected to engage new audiences. This change is being made with an aim to make the show more entertaining and interactive.
Delay in shooting, the show may go on-air in January 2025 The shooting of 'MasterChef India' was supposed to start this month. But now it has been postponed till December. According to sources, this decision has been taken due to the changes taking place in the format. Now the show may go on-air in January 2025. The makers want the changes to be done perfectly properly so that there are no glitches in the show.
'Laughter Chef' and 'Master Chef' may clash in TRPs. Interestingly, the second season of 'Laughter Chef' may also be launched in January. If this happens, there could be a tough TRP competition between the two shows. Both the shows are a mix of cooking and entertainment. It will be interesting to see which of the two shows will be more popular among the viewers.
Old season of 'MasterChef India' So far 'MasterChef India' has focused on stories of culinary talent and home cooks. Chefs like Ranveer Brar, Vikas Khanna and Garima Arora have been roped in as judges of the show. Each season aims to inspire viewers towards cooking and introduce new recipes.
Featuring 'Laughter Chef' 'Laughter Chef' is a cooking based show that ran for about 4 months this year. In the first season of this show, it created a distinct identity among the viewers. Its concept was a fusion of cooking and comedy. Popular celebs like Ankita Lokhande, Vicky Jain, Arjun Bijlani, Nia Sharma, Bharti Singh and Krishna Abhishek impressed the audience with their cooking skills and entertainment.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).