The trailer of the movie 'Pushpa 2: The Rule' was launched today at Gandhi Maidan in Patna. Police had to lathicharge before the launch. A huge crowd of fans has gathered at Gandhi Maidan. About 1 lakh people have reached Gandhi Maidan. The crowd threw slippers at the stage, after which people started going wild. The police used batons to control the crowd. The crowd at Gandhi Maidan went wild after seeing South superstar Allu Arjun and actress Rashmika Mandana. People climbed the 40 meter high hoardings installed at Gandhi Maidan.
Pushpa's journey from poor to rich Allu Arjun's film 'Pushpa' released in the year 2021 was a super-duper hit at the box office. Pushpa's journey from poor to rich was shown in this story of red sandalwood smuggling. Rashmika Mandana was also seen with him in this film. People liked this movie a lot and since then the audience was waiting for its next part. Finally the trailer has been launched today.
'Pushpa' became an international player The explosive style of Rashmika Mandanna was seen in this film along with Allu Arjun. The trailer has surprised the fans a lot. The trailer of the action-packed film is winning the hearts of Allu Arjun's fans. In the second part of the film, Allu will directly face Fahadh Faasil. Because the previous part also ended on this track. The trailer is peppered with explosive dialogues that make fans clap their hands.
Powerful dialogues in the trailer of the film
- 'Pushpa is not just a name, Pushpa is a brand'
- 'Pushpa Naam Chota Hai Paa Sound Bahot Bada'
- 'Na paisa ki parwah hai, na power no khof'
- 'Pushpa is a national player, she is an international player'
- 'Pushpa Ko Fire Samge Kya, Fire Nahi Wild Fire Hai'
Pushpa 2's star cast
Talking about the cast of 'Pushpa 2', apart from Allu Arjun, Rashmika Mandana, Fahadh Faasil, Rao Ramesh, Anusuya Bharadwaj, Ajay Ghosh and Dhananjay are included. Jagapati Babu will also be seen in this film.
When will the movie release? Allu Arjun and Rashmika Mandana's great chemistry can also be glimpsed in the trailer. The film looks quite powerful. As soon as the trailer of the film came out, it went viral on social media. The film is releasing in theaters on December 5. Fans are very excited for this film.
Half before Rilzi…Earnings! According to media reports, the film has already earned Rs 900 crores before its release, from its OTT and satellite rights. However, no such official statement has come from the filmmakers. Some reports are also claiming that the theatrical rights of the film have been sold for Rs 650 crore.
The highest grossing film of 2021 Released in 2021, 'Pushpa: The Rise' was the highest grossing Indian film of the year. Including all versions, the film grossed Rs. 313 crore and worldwide Rs. Did a business of 350 crores. It is ranked sixth in the list of highest grossing Telugu films.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).