Sadguru Shivkripananda Swami
A great book like Gita has been written on this seemingly common word 'Peksha'. Why? As the 'expectation' is always with the body, the soul never has any expectation. Man's meditation is an attempt to connect with the divine through the medium of the soul, and he tries to do so, but when there is any expectation in the meditation, the entire meditation becomes futile. This is because it is 'anticipated' by the body and assimilated by the soul. That's why regular meditation without 'expectation' should be done for just 30 minutes every day. All problems of life will be solved. Don't even expect 'I should notice'. This will be possible only when you regularly meditate without expectation for 30 minutes of your life every day. In these 30 minutes you don't even have the right to think about your life problems, because those 30 minutes are for meditation. If you do this with honesty and sincerity, attention will follow itself. During meditation you also forget whether you are male or female. If you decide to meditate, your whole life will change. Complete reconciliation will be experienced in life. It will feel like there is nothing left to gain in life. Now tell me, when are you taking the resolution of this 'expectation'-free meditation? Regular meditation for half an hour daily can awaken the power of Kundalini. Kundalini Shakti is 'Stri Shakti' and worshiping this Shri Shakti, worshiping Shri Shakti… a woman can never be pleased by disrespecting a woman. You should also have a good attitude towards femininity in your mind, a good position. If there is a good price, it will be awakened. One is awakened by Gurukrupa but activated by 'Shaktkrupa'. Nothing can be reduced without 'Shaktikrpa'. If you consider the woman of your house as Shaktisvarupa, she can actually become Shaktisvarupa, but for that you should have such a spirit in your mind. If Bhava does not come within you, it cannot realize its power, and unless power is realized, power cannot be acted upon. That is why a woman has been given the status of Grilahakshmi in the house. Grilahakshmi-Lakshmi means not money-money, Lakshmi means satisfaction, Lakshmi means satisfaction. So the satisfaction of the house is in the hands of the woman of your house. The more satisfied he is, the calmer the atmosphere in the house, the atmosphere of satisfaction in the house, but for that he needs to realize his powers. You see, Shakti's name comes first – Radhakrishna, Sitaram. So first there is power, then there is name. Thus there can be no name without power. Power is attached to name, but necessity, we must realize this. Only if we feel can we be able to feel. The more you realize, the more Kundali Shakti will be activated and the more activated it will be, the further you will advance on the spiritual path. This importance is also shown in our culture. That is why it is called Shaktisvarupa. He is the source of power, but we fulfill our duty only by worshiping Him. Women need not be worshipped, women need to be respected. Everything should be done from within, not from outside. Right now in Navratri we worship Shakti, we worship Shakti, but it should not be limited to Navratri only and our aim of worship and worship should not be limited. You have to bring it into daily practice. It doesn't matter what pooja you do on Navratri, how much you fast, what matters is how much you feel. The more respect you have for the feminine, the more respect you have for your spiritual progress. So do not do itishri of your work by doing Durga Puja till Navratri, Shakti Puja till Navratri. Keep it all year round, keep that spirit all year round.}
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).