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Frontpage Insights: 82% of employees worldwide suffer from burnout, can prove dangerous if ignored Work-life balance is essential to avoid work overload

  • Burnout at the workplace… Recognizing the symptoms in time can prevent the problem

Recently, a 26-year-old female chartered accountant died due to work overload in Maharashtra. In today's time due to increasing work load, the problem of fatigue or burnout is seen among the employees.

According to the Global Talent Trends Report, 82 percent of employees worldwide are facing burnout. If this problem is ignored, it can prove dangerous in future. However, problems can be avoided if its symptoms are recognized in time. The problem of burnout can be identified by these three main symptoms.

Physical: The first effect of burnout is on the body. As the workload increases, the body also gets tired. Constant headaches, muscle aches and digestive problems are also seen. In the report, 40 percent complained of fatigue the most, while 37 percent experienced stress due to workload.

Emotional: The constant pressure of work disturbs the mental and emotional balance. 43% of employees are stressed due to financial problems. If you feel disinterested in your work or tired of your responsibilities, beware.

Behaviour: Burnout also causes changes in behaviour. Constantly avoiding work, shirking responsibilities and feeling lonely are also symptoms. Decreased work productivity and withdrawal from social activities also become common.

How to avoid burnout? The first step to preventing burnout is to recognize the symptoms. If you notice that your physical, emotional and behavioral state is changing, don't ignore it. Consult a doctor so that other health problems can be checked. Review your tasks and responsibilities and see if you can let go of some things. That will give you more time, re-energise you. Additionally, burnout can be addressed before it occurs.

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The easiest way to avoid burnout is to create balance The best way to prevent burnout is to create balance in life. We can also reduce work pressure by spending time with friends and family. Apart from this, priorities can also be changed to reduce workload.

Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).

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