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HomeTop StoriesDhyana Yoga: Conceptual pollution disturbs the balance of nature

Dhyana Yoga: Conceptual pollution disturbs the balance of nature

Sadguru Shivkripananda Swami

In the modern world, progress is being made day by day and new devices are being invented and the living of human society is becoming easier and accessible. A human being can do the daily work of his life with minimum labor and in minimum time. Everything is being done only at the fingertips. It is easily done and then we get used to act like this. That's why if any work is not done easily, our endurance responds, because gradually our endurance is decreasing. When we overuse or become addicted to material tools, our mind begins to drift outward. Both our happiness and endurance depend on some other tool or person. That's why nowadays people want everything fast. If he doesn't get it quickly, he gets stressed and tensed because he is used to getting everything quickly. Pure nature is now beyond the reach of man, it takes nine months to give birth to a child; It has to be given for nine months! So that too is not possible quickly. This habit of acting quickly is reducing both our tolerance and forgiveness. This is why we cannot accept any situation as it is and create unnecessary stress in our life with small reasons and small things. To avoid this we should do regular exercise in our daily life. By doing this, positivity is communicated in our body. Apart from this, every night while going to sleep, you should sleep with a goal of what you have to do tomorrow. You will get satisfaction when you complete your goal the next day. Second, do one thing every day selflessly, by doing such work you will get spiritual happiness and increase self-strength. Doing this regularly will increase your inner endurance. Your inner forgiveness will awaken and by accepting whatever situation comes your way in life, you will be able to make life happy and joyful. Man is the only animal on this earth who thinks and thinking is not natural and man keeps spreading a kind of dirt through thoughts and only those thoughts create ideological pollution in nature and due to that ideological pollution spread by human beings the balance of nature is disturbed. And disturbance of natural balance leads to natural calamities. The impact of ideological pollution is often greater in places with high human population. Cities are always polluted by humans and instead of fixing their cities, they spread the same ideological pollution to natural places. Because of this, along with cities, places of natural beauty can also be seen to be affected by this ideological pollution. Human beings have both positive and negative thoughts and through these two types of thoughts humans spread pollution in nature. Actually thought is a kind of stench emanating from human being. There can be no human being without thought, if human being lives in harmony with nature then human being will not have any thought. Meditation and yoga are the way to live in harmony with this nature. Meditation and yoga are the introspective states of life. This is not a state attained by the body, but a state attained by the soul. By attaining the introverted state, one can feel that the divine is within me, and there is an acceptance in life; There is no complaint from anyone and there is nothing to be gained in life and man becomes an individual. That is, through meditation and yoga, a person becomes introverted and feels that the whole world is his family. That is, religion, caste, caste are all erased and the universal perception of 'Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam' is felt. This assumption is only in Indian culture. Nowhere in the world is this kind of price, this kind of perception.}

See also  A good morning has a good day: Don't look at your mobile as soon as you open your eyes, start the day with a morning walk, yoga, meditation

Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).

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