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HomeTop StoriesNavalika: Part-6, Robo: PA 09

Navalika: Part-6, Robo: PA 09

Dina Pandya J P. A. 09 last hearing-then Tana's sentence to be announced. Courtroom housefull. Judge Saheba heard the robo-expert. A robo-expert has settled the entire car case in court. For the first time in a crime case, the court considered robot testimony admissible. P. A. After scrutinizing the 09 robots, the results were placed before the court. IMP. A. 09. Do 'fed' (planning work) work. My Master Tanaji is the one who programmatically instills in me. After an interval of some days counted the doses (drops) of arsenic plus thallium medicine (chemical), to add to the object prepared by Masterji… to add… Prosecution counsel cross-examining P.A. Zero nine explained the soup recipe in clear words. Then he continued, 'Tell me the quantity… Tell me, Masterji. Right… four drops, next five, next six' Yes, Jajasaheba…' Tana's voice sounded sharp. A. 09's voice was muffled. He laughed. The whole court was stunned. How can a personable, intelligent, gentle woman standing in front plan someone's murder like this? 'Yes, Judge. I wanted to kill Nanji. Will rather a before-but I could not do it. My plan was to exhaust Nanaji's digestive system by gradually increasing the doses of chemicals, either by me or with help from the robot. That's all me. Lord. My life has no value anymore. Those who dreamed, wished. Nothing was found. Instead of standing in this criminal's cage right now, I'd be stuffing a stethoscope down my throat, curing people's ailments. ok My life has no meaning. But I had to draw the map of my son's life myself. A lot of money has been spent to get a promising son, but in total nothing. But Mr. Lord, I have no regrets about my work. I am a mother-super power mother. I can cross any limit for the happiness of the child, for a bright future.' Tana was sentenced to seven years in prison for the manipulative attempt to murder Rajmohan. Hearing the punishment, Tana clapped her hands. For another moment, she stood looking at the court in dark silence. Tana did not open his mouth till the end about from whom and how he got the 'chemical'. No police could get any information. Tana knows. The one who helped him in this work is now in the service of his mother. They wanted it for money. So how can his mind consider him a criminal? Out of breath, shuffling, the woman left the courtroom with the police. It was Nanaji's last moments. Raghu, Tapas-Jhanvi, Aniket-Birwa, their six-month-old son Mohit, Sumey, Monu-Jolly are standing around Nanaji. Rajmohan took a good look at everyone. The return of satisfaction in their eyes. In a faint voice he said, 'Mother… may my last rites be performed by Monu. There will be some atonement. No complaints about Tana. I killed his dreams, aspirations. I apologize to Tana. My apologies ane… ane…' On reaching the crematorium, Monu started looking for something here and there. Asked, said, 'I am going to my grandmother. i know Grandma was brought here. Then did not come home. Grandmother… E, Grandmother…E. Sumey stopped Monu with both hands while shouting. After much persuasion he put fire on Nanaji's toe. Seeing Nanaji slipping into the electric furnace, Monu laughed clapping her hands. All returned home with Nanaji's bones. The next day Sumey gave the news of Nanaji's death to Tana. Listening to Sumey without any price, she walked into the jail cell. Sumey got up to go home. He was surprised. He did not speak a word to his sons. Sumey kept arranging time with home and sons. Monu's innocent heart has made her its own. Maybe a bloodbath, but Jolie was sometimes a bit too much. 'No dinner. No bathing. I will not brush. Sometimes turning the dinner plate upside down saying 'not feeling'. Sumey handled it patiently. There the news was given to him on the phone, 'Your wife-No. 123, opened no. 12, Tana is admitted to a mental hospital in emergency. It is necessary to give the necessary details, sign-coin. Please come. Your wife makes a lot of noise, but yesterday a fellow inmate hit her with a lota-plate and seriously injured her. In the reason that woman prisoner no. 123 was not allowed to advance in the dining line. No. 123 That is, she always became obsessed with being first in the lines for defecation, bathing, eating, and started fights. During this time, he has injured staff, fellow inmates for seven to eight times. But yesterday he crossed the line. Rukmi, injured by Tana, is in the hospital. is in a coma. The case is serious.' Sumey reached the mental hospital at the appointed time. Filled the given form, signed and coined, he wanted to meet Tana. Direction marked. 'Can't meet the patient face to face. Have to go to the visitors' room.' Sumey entered the room. There was another door in front. There was a row of grills dividing the room into three-fourths down the middle. There is a net in between which can be opened like a window of one and a half square feet. Sumey said, 'The patient's mental condition is bad. Be careful. ' Sumey stood by the net. From the door in front of him, Sumayya's footsteps came slowly. Sumayan started looking through the net. 'Tana.' Sumey's monosyllabic word as if the ocean of love! Tana wore a white-green striped, wide-flowing gown. Jithria hair, rough face, lean body. His forehead was wrinkled, his wide eyes looked at him. In another moment she smiled widely at Sumey. Sumay was happy, but his eyes were filled with tears. Tana recognized him. Responded to his love. 'Tana, do you want to eat halwa? Made especially for you, ho.' 'Mom… happy birthday to me?' 'N-yeah, happy birthday, Tana.' Sumey slid the box through the grate. Tana stretched out her hand and took the box. sat down Legs lengthened. The halwa started popping into the mouth. Gone is the gap. Coughed up. 'Tana, eat slowly.' 'No. What if Pa'li ​​Kamudi eats all the halwa?' 'Then I will make another one and bring it. O.K.?' All of a sudden Tana slammed the box against the wall. 'You go to hell, Halvo-go to hell, go to hell-everybody. Listen carefully. The halwa is mine alone. Created by Dear Sumey. A particle fades into the sun… The sun fades… A particle… A particle…' Tana's song remained in her voice. Two tall, broad maidservants, with a swagger, began to carry her out of the visiting room. Sumey watched his beloved Priya go helplessly. He stood breathing deeply. Suddenly breaking free from the clutches of the servants, Tana ran to Sumay. Blinking her eyes, saying in Sumey's ear, Mand Ravi said, 'How was my crazy acting?' Sumay became an idol at Tana's words. After wiping his eyes, he started to go home. Today Monu insisted on going to the temple. Sumey never went to the temple in all these years. He convinced Monu. Telling stories, giving chocolates, t. V. Talked about watching cartoons, but Monu didn't agree. The thrashing man strained. Sumey's mind was nowhere to be found with the fabrications made by Tana. Abudh Monu was unaware of Dad's state of mind. Jolly's flat, stony face lit up at the thought of going to Monu's temple, 'Yes, papa. Now I can walk with Monu's support.' 'No, Jolly. Yesterday you fell while walking on it. Still having trouble maintaining balance…' 'Dad, this is Monu! This will not let Monu Jolie down. This man is wise. Grandmother says that the wise boy should go to the temple. Come on, Dad.' Jolly said, 'Please, Dad. I want to go to temple.' Sumey noticed the change in Tochada, Akkad Joli. Ultimately selfless service, unconditional love can melt stone. Jolly is his blood. 'My blood?' Sumey mumbled looking in the mirror. One hundred percent wrong. There is not a drop of your blood in Jolly. Ayana answered as if! Curb your thoughts, man. Jolly is your son now. 'Yes, boys. We are ready to go to the temple.' Twenty-eight-year-old Monu, twenty-year-old Jolly was ready wearing sandals. Dadi Sangopang came alive in Monu's mind at this moment. The thought swirled in her mind that she has to play the role of a grandmother. He straightened up, took two steps forward. He held Jolie's finger. The other hand extended to Dad. Hold daddy's finger. Taking slow steps, he walked down the path after the house. Jolly's thoughts were on Monu. Despite that, Monu walked easily on the path without feeling any strain, without any trouble. Born of natural religion, Monu was in between. With his intensive support, Jiva was the jolly one who got from scientists. is true Here, say Prakriti or God, its victory and the defeat of human efforts and science. Sumay stopped thinking. The trio proceeded towards the Honshe Honshe temple. Sumey turned for a moment, glancing at the life-path. Rushing after his job, the highway to get more and more commissions on the sale of products, the obsession with physical comforts, the hifi lifestyle. His insistence on valuing only intelligence, beauty and money. For that, the humanity is sitting on a stilt. The dignity of a forgotten relationship, but he sent Jolie's case papers to hospitals and biologists around the world. Answer received: 'Designer child case is hopeless. No significant improvement can be made in it. Don't waste money, power, time.' Sumayan left everything behind, only wanting to look forward. His entire life from now on will be dedicated to Monu-Joli. It happened. At this moment he too, like Jolly, was walking slowly, supported by Monu, drawn by him. Suddenly there was a gust of cool, fragrant air. The trees and flowers rose happily. The birds sang sweet songs. The butterflies started dancing. The buzzing of the beetles began. Now the temple was a few steps away. With Monu's support, Jolly-Sumey was taking one step at a time. The seer saw the beautiful sight on the path leading to the temple. Enjoyed it. His feather fluttered in the air. With a faint smile he placed the banshee on his lips and blessed the Trilok with melodious notes (maya). (End)

Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).

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