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HomeTop StoriesUpdate: Photos and videos: size, resolution and more

Update: Photos and videos: size, resolution and more

Only Umratia

Photos and videos that once seemed like the ninth wonder now seem like stones lying on the road. With the apology of the poet Kalapi, it can also be said that 'wherever my eyes are filled with photos and videos, yours.' This is due to the growth of internet, social media and smartphones. If you've ever used a keypad phone that came with a new camera, you'll know that there's a stark difference between a photo taken with that phone and a photo taken with the latest smartphone today. The difference is resolution and size. The same applies to videos. Before understanding the size and resolution, let's understand how photos and videos are made? How is a photo made? There is a saying in Gujarati, 'Kanke kanke ke paa bhadye.' Similarly, one by one 'pixels' together form a photo. which is square. Just as the smallest part of any substance is called an atom, the smallest part of a photo is called a pixel. The full name of Pixel is picture element. which are square in shape. Millions of such pixels are combined to form a digital photo. which you see on the screen. For example, just as the mosaic pieces in your home make up the entire floor, the pixelated pieces make up a digital image. If you zoom in on any photo in editing software like Photoshop, there will come a time when you will see square boxes of different colors. These square cells are the same pixels. You can get an idea of ​​how small the pixels are by saying that there are 3.77 pixels in a millimeter. Accordingly, the size of one pixel is 0.264 mm. How is the color in the photo? After any digital screen, be it a smartphone or a computer, the color displayed on it is based on the RGB model. RGB stands for Red, Green, and Blue. These are the three main colors for a digital screen or it can be said that these are the only three colors, any other color that appears is a mixture of these colors. Each pixel in a photo has three sub-pixels, Red, Green, and Blue. As the value of each of these sub pixels increases and decreases, we see different colors on the screen. This value is measured between zero and 255. Zero means that color is completely absent and 255 means 100% presence of the color. Below is an explanation of color and its value, the values ​​are in the order of RGB. Full Red (255, 0, 0) Full Green (0, 255, 0) Full Blue (0, 0, 255) White (255, 255, 255) Black (0, 0, 0) If you If you are associated with the field of graphic design, you will realize that every color has a code, that code shows nothing but the value of RGB. In this way a total of 16,777,216 colors can be created on a digital screen by mixing red, green and blue according to different values. Finally the photo is created on the screen by using these different colors. Resolution and size of the photo We often talk that the quality of this photo is good, the quality of this photo is not good. This quality is the same resolution. In technical terms, resolution means the number of pixels in any photo. Both resolution and size are interrelated. Photo size or resolution is measured in width x height. Its unit is also pixel. E.g. If the size/resolution of a photo is 1920×1080, it means that within the photo there are 1920 pixels in horizontal lines and 1080 pixels in vertical lines. That means there are total 20,73,600 pixels in that photo. Apart from this, the photo size is often measured in inches, centimeters or even millimeters. However, we do this for our convenience, and in the end, it only counts how many pixels fit in that space. The higher the number of pixels in a photo, the higher the resolution of the photo. The higher the resolution, the better the quality of the photo. This is because the more pixels a photo has, the more detail it will have. Another thing here is that as the resolution increases, so does the size of the photo (this size means storage, eg Kb or Mb). How are videos made? A video is a quick succession of photos. Every video is actually made up of photos. Just as many pixels make up a photo, so many photos together make a video. Each photo within the video is known as a frame and the speed at which this frame (photo) passes is called the frame rate. Frame rate is measured in fps – frames per second. Fps means the number of frames (photos) that pass in one second. The higher the frame rate, the better and smoother the video. Have you seen that flip book? Each page is illustrated with a few changes. Now flip this book and you will feel the picture moving. Videos are also made in this way. The faster you flip the book, the better the animation will look. The same thing applies to the frame rate as well. Common Frame Rates: 16 fps – Standard frame rate for silent films before 1920 24 fps – Cinematic standard, most used in films today 30 fps – Used for live TV, news, TV shows, etc. 60 fps – Frame rate used for sports events, video games, slow motion, 4k resolution 120 fps – used for super slow motion, hyper action, heavy video games Video resolution As mentioned above, video is made from photos so its resolution also depends on the resolution of the photo i.e. from keeps Apart from this, the frame rate is equally important. The higher the frame rate, the higher the resolution. Some standard resolutions/sizes of photos and videos: 480p – SD – 640×480 pixels 720p – HD – 1280×720 pixels 1080p – Full HD – 1920×1080 pixels 1440p – 2K – 2560×1440 pixels 2160p – 4K – 3840×2160 pixels (It's not exactly the same size or resolution, it's the standard resolution used around the world.) }

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Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).

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