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HomeWorldAlleged sex abuse in Malaysia's Islamic welfare homes: Police free 402 children, arrest 171

Alleged sex abuse in Malaysia's Islamic welfare homes: Police free 402 children, arrest 171

Police in Malaysia raided 20 Islamic welfare homes on Wednesday and freed 402 children. Including 201 boys and 201 girls aged 1 to 17 years. According to news agency AP, police allege that children were sexually abused here. These welfare houses are associated with an Islamic business group called Global Ikhwan Services and Business Holdings (GISB). The national police chief said 171 suspects, including 105 women, have been detained. According to Inspector General Razauddin Hussain, he received information that children are being mistreated here. According to Hussain, children in the welfare home were also forced to do wrong with other children. He said the detainees included religious teachers and some employees. They were responsible for the education and care of children. A young child was beaten with a hot spoon for making a mistake Inspector General Hussain said that when children fell ill in the welfare home, they were not treated. He was rushed to the hospital only when his condition became critical. He said that there are some cases where a child under the age of 5 was beaten with a hot spoon for making a mistake. Police believe that the Global Ikhwan exploited children and used religious sentiment to get donations. According to the police, preliminary investigation has revealed that the children living here belong to the employees of the Global Ikhwan Group. According to the Malaysia City Post website, Global Ikhwan Group is involved in many businesses including grocery, bakery, restaurant, poultry farm, travel. It has branches in 20 countries, employing more than 5 thousand employees. Religious leader Ashari Mohammad founded Global Ikhwan According to reports Global Ikhwan was founded by Ashari Mohammad. Ashari Mohammed was a Malaysian religious leader. He claimed that Allah had given him many miraculous powers. He then started a religious sect called Al-Arqam in 1968. Ashari was a supporter of polygamy. He himself had 5 marriages. In 1994, the government banned Al-Arqam. After this Ashari was arrested because he was accused of being an adulterer. He remained in prison until his death in 2010. The group has changed its name several times since Ashari's death. In its defence, the Global Ikhwan said on Wednesday that it had no connection with Welfare Homes. They are not involved in child exploitation in any way. The group said they do not do anything that deviates from Islamic law.

Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).

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