Friday, September 20, 2024
HomeTop StoriesManduristi: 'Forgive me all, good bye!'

Manduristi: 'Forgive me all, good bye!'

'Doctor, Naman has stopped eating properly for the last fifteen days. He has cut off contact with people for the past two months. He seems to have lost interest in life. We have a seventeen year old son. He has given the exam to study in America. Pass will be certain. It is destined to go. The elder daughter is married. Soon we will be the only two in the house. Then we don't have any big responsibility. Lose-again everywhere and live an almost semi-retired life. There were all such thoughts but two days ago I was shaken. For some reason I took Naman's mobile. I opened his whatsapp for some reason. I saw a long typed message inside. So it was supposed to be sent to me but was not sent. Doctor, it was a suicide note. At the end it was written, 'Forgive me, goodbye.' By writing like this, the message was kept without sending. As the ground shifted from under my feet, we immediately decided that Naman needed psychological help.' Swatibehan spoke with shock. Every year 10th September is observed as 'World Suicide Prevention Day'. According to the National Crime Records Bureau's April 2022 report, 12 to 13 people commit suicide for every one lakh Indians. Which is 'record highest' and WHO has called India the youth suicide capital. Depression is the biggest psychological cause of suicide. Which in some cases is genetic while in some there are psychological, social, economic or other reasons. Pressure of work, failure in love, danger in relationship, death or bereavement of a close person, financial hardship, some terrible disease or pain etc. can be obvious reasons. Studies show that approximately 50 to 90 percent of people who commit suicide have depression, anxiety, bipolar mood disorder, major depressive disorder, or other psychotic disorders. Many suicides are committed on whims, to teach others a lesson, to escape harassment or as part of a mass suicide. Sometimes suicide is due to unemployment, personal loss or severe loneliness. For three consecutive years from 2024 to 2026, WHO has given the theme or central idea of ​​Suicide Prevention Day as 'Changing the Narrative on Suicide' which means 'Changing popular perceptions about suicide' and 'Starting the conversation'. The purpose of this is to remove shyness about talking about suicide and prevent it through open communication. It is very important that common people, organizations and governments are aware of this. In a world where approximately 800,000 suicides occur every year, different stresses are increasing. Negativity has strengthened the stock. Depression and aggression are becoming increasingly common among young people. In such circumstances the most need is to be 'awakened'. As much as we have become aware of physical diseases, we have not yet become aware of mental diseases. Show-off, swagger, emotional or obsessive habits, neglect of physical health, failure to manage stress, addictions, social media addiction, excessive and unrealistic ambitions and relationship bitterness are rising like floods, with many lives straining to the point of suicide. goes If a person is constantly depressed, talks depressingly, cries for good or no reason, has no interest in food, avoids meeting people completely, eats and sleeps very irregularly, has severe ups and downs in mood, his If they try to harm themselves or threaten to die, it's like going crazy! If someone threatens suicide, don't live in misconceptions like 'Gajya Megh Varase Nahi'. Take this as a serious sign and take immediate action. It is necessary to talk to such a person without any heavy teachings. Instead of leaving it alone, it is necessary to stay close and observe it. If that person starts speaking his mind, don't criticize him. Not being judgmental. Don't discourage him with one motivational talk. Talking about what different options are available to solve the problem or sometimes just actively listening is more imperative. Most importantly, prepare such a person for psychiatry. 'Am I crazy, should I get psychiatric treatment?' Get rid of such old, rotten social shy thoughts as quickly as possible and come forward for treatment. Remember, suicide is not the solution to any problem! Winning stroke Virat Kohli, Deepika Padukone, World's best swimmer Michael Phelps who won 23 Olympic gold medals… all of them were ashamed of psychological treatment?!!

Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).

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