Chinese tech company Vivo is going to launch the 'Vivo T3 Ultra' smartphone on September 12. The company has given information about the launch date by teasing the phone on the e-commerce website Flipkart and the official Website. The company has claimed that the upcoming smartphone will be equipped with a MediaTek Dimension 9200+ chipset (MD-9200+ processor). Its Antutu score is 1600k, making it the fastest phone in the segment. Vivo T3 Ultra also has a 50MP selfie camera. This smartphone will have a 6.78 inch curved AMOLED display. According to reports, the phone may come with a 5500mAh battery with 80W fast charging support. Apart from this, the phone can also get two RAM and two storage options. Here its starting price can be Rs 30,000. Vivo has not yet given any detailed information about the specifications of the smartphone. However, a lot of information about this has come out in the media reports. Let's know about the expected specifications according to this report. Vivo T3 Ultra: Expected Specifications Vivo T3 Ultra: Expected Specifications
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).