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Now it is not easy to go to Canada: 5 thousand Indians entering America from Canada were caught in a single month; America told Canada to be strict in issuing visas

It is not new that Indians who have gone to Canada are entering America illegally, but the worrying thing for America is that now this rate is increasing day by day. According to the statistics recently released by the American news channel First Post America, 5,152 Indians were caught illegally entering the US from Canada in the same month of June-2024. This has happened for the first time in the history of America. This figure did not break previous records but also indicated a change in migration patterns. This has led the US to request Canada to tighten visa rules so that people can filter through Canada and America does not have to worry about illegal immigration. Canada has taken this matter seriously and has deported 6 thousand people who went to Canada on visitor visas in the last few months. What is the whole matter? The number of Indians in Canada is not small. Millions of Indians live there. Most of these Indians reach Canada with dreams of settling in the neighboring country America. From Canada, these people are infiltrating the United States by walking different routes, in whatever boats they can find. This proportion has now increased. In a single month of June-2024, 5,152 Indians who illegally entered the US from Canada have been caught and sent back to Canada without allowing them to enter the US. This infiltration is easy because the land border of America is adjacent to Canada and the border between the two countries is 9 thousand kilometers. Half of the border is empty in that too. There is no population or village. The forest area itself. Infiltrators use this same area. These areas are where neither Canada nor the US has any security or checkpoints. America is worried about the record breaking infiltration of Indians through this route. Interior areas are used more Ahmedabad immigration expert Parthesh Thakkar says, there is a 9 thousand kilometer long border between Canada and America. There is no dispute between the two countries so there is no fencing or any standoff. There are some areas between Canada and America border that you can reach America by walking. It is very easy. We have internal roads on state highways and reach Rajasthan or Maharashtra by driving. There is no chairpost or border in between and suddenly you reach the neighboring state, it is like between Canada and America. So far it used to be that people used to reach America by driving a car, in a boat, on foot. Mexico is an easy place to infiltrate. From Brazil, Nicaragua to Mexico and from there to America. Everything is possible. Canada is only connected by land to the US. Not connected to any other place. Transit visas misused to get to the UK Immigration expert Parthesh Thakkar says, not only the US, but also the UK is being hacked from Canada. UK so you don't need UK transit visa if you want to go to Canada. If you go to the airport, you don't have to take a transit visa. The rule is that there should not be a chance to get out of the airport, but anyway, finding a loophole, some Indians leave the airport and settle in Britain. Even if you want to change the airport or terminal, you have to get a transit visa. But many countries do not require a transit visa. Note that a transit visa is not required if you land from Canada at Heathrow airport in Britain. Taking advantage of this, the number of Indians reaching Britain from Canada has also increased. There are two types of people who enter America, Partheshbhai continues, saying, there are two types of people who enter America. One, whose ultimate goal is the US, enters via Canada and the other has gone to Canada on a visitor visa and if he does not get there, he reaches the US. There are many Indian students who feel that they have to come back to India from Canada. The future of those people is not long in Canada, there may be visa problems. Such people can also enter the US. Such people have more chances of getting US visitor visa. So those people will not enter illegally but will definitely reach America. Students studying in Canada can get US visa very easily. Those people study in Canada for six to twelve months and go to the US and then do not come back. Those people should go there and work. Those people must have found some source. There are many who find a boy or a girl and get married there. There are many ways to immigrate to America. Immigration expert Parthesh Thakkar says that Indians have taken advantage of the generous visas given by Canada. As hard as it is to get to the US, it will be hard to get to Canada. Because Canada has realized what it has done wrong. Even now, moving to Canada is not easy. Indians who reach Canada are now properly checked and if there is any doubt, they are sent back to India, that is, they are deported. Out of the people who reached Canada with visitor visas from the airport, 6 thousand people were deported..Canada is now on proper alert. Indians took advantage of Canada's generous visas. Now the US has requested the Canadian government to stop issuing visas in this way. Be a little stricter. Canada has also become so careful that Indians coming with student or visitor visas are immediately deported if they feel suspicious in the interview. 61% of immigrants entered between 2016 and 2022 According to data from US Customs and Border Protection, the number of Indians crossing the border between the US and Canada continues to rise. Record-breaking heights More than 5 thousand Indians without documents were caught infiltrating on foot in the month of June. This is the first time such a large number has been caught. The Canada-US border is a peaceful border and the longest border. Now the biggest challenge for both the countries is border infiltration. The Canada-US border is 9 thousand kilometers long. That is, two countries like America are long enough to have a border. But half of it is part of forest. But most of the infiltration is taking place from the Mexico border. 61% of immigrants entered between 2016 and 2022. In 2024 this infiltration has reached its peak. In the month of June alone, 5,152 Indian infiltrators were caught entering the US from Canada. They also used to walk and enter the forest, crossing the river. This figure did not break previous records but also indicated a change in migration patterns. For the first time in history, the United States has caught the most immigrants from Canada. A sudden surge in Indians seeking asylum in the UK has also come to light as important data on people seeking asylum in Britain has emerged. In 2022, 1170 Indians sought asylum in the UK. This is a huge increase of 136 percent. In 2021, this figure was only 495. Both the US and the UK have lodged objections against Canada in this regard. America wants more stringent visa screening. As for the UK, the highest number of Indians sought asylum there in 2003 at 930. By 2005, this figure had dropped to 102. After that till 2019 there was not a single incident when the 100 mark was crossed. But as the Corona restrictions eased, so did the number of Indians seeking asylum in the UK. 2021 is the biggest example, when 318 Indians sought asylum in the UK. In the coming days, the number of asylum seekers in the UK as well as the US may well increase. Jumping the 3100 km long wall of Mexico means that dreams come true, it is not like that at all. Mexico is a neighboring country of America. The states of California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas are located along this border. People with the intention of entering the US illegally reach any country in South America by paying millions of rupees to the agent. Ecuador was a hot favorite in that, as Ecuador had Visa on Arrival facility for Indians, but this facility was discontinued in the year 2019. Agents now fly infiltrators to Bolivia. From there, people are transported to Mexico via Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras. Millions of people who want to go to America illegally think that the life like golden dreams will start after just jumping over this wall built on the 3100 km long border of America-Mexico. But this road is not easy at all. What are the challenges of entering America illegally?

Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).

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